Task Scheduler
Today we are going to solve this leetcod/task-scheduler. This is a good problem and would need some thinking to solve it thorughly. Heapqueue Approach In the question one had to find the least time a computer would take to complete some tasks, while completing task computer has to take some time …
Kth Largest Element in …
Today we are going to solve this leetcode problem. In this problem we are required to find the kth largest element in an array of number. Intutive Approach This is pretty easy sum if we just sort the array and the return the kth largest element from the array. In python this is pretty easy problme …
K Closest Points to …
Today we discusses the solution to the LeetCode problem of finding the Kth closest points to the origin. Intuitive Approach An intuitive solution involves calculating the distance of each point from the origin, storing it with the point, and then sorting the list of points based on these distances. …