Subset 2
Today I solved this leetcode problem leetcode/subsets-ii, before solving this question one should solve the leetcode/subset. Backtracking In this problem we need to find the powerset of the list of number given. The catch is that the list of numbers can contain the duplicates but the ans set …
Find Median From Data …
The link to problem is Leetcode/find-median-from-data-stream This is hard problem but it is somewhat easy compared to some other hard problems. It is only easy if you know data-structures well enough. In this problem you are asked to create class which has two methods one for adding a integer, other …
Design Twitter
The link to question is lettcode/design-twitter. The question is asking us to design a simple twitter like class. It has four functions: - To create a post. - To follow another user. - To unfollow any user. - To get newsfeed which comprises of ten recent post from the people user is following and …